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About Us

We are an international team of professionals with more than 20-year experience in the field of home healthcare. Experts from different countries unite in creating innovative solutions to support health and well-being. Our team is ready to provide high-quality support in the development of marketing, sales, and services. We believe in the future of our growth through integration and long-term collaboration with clients. Trust us – we will ensure a reliable partnership in your pursuit of health and comfort at home.

Prolife® was created in 2013 by Montex Swiss AG, an international expert in the field of medical devices. It has been scientifically proven that quality and longevity directly depend on how a person monitors their health. Developing technologies allowed people to independently control the main indicators of their well-being at home. The company Montex Swiss AG has set itself the task of creating a brand that would best meet the needs of consumers, which is that health control has become even more. 

The innovative devices developed by our company hold patents in the USA, Germany, and China and represent crucial products for home health care:

  • blood pressure monitors

  • nebulizers

  • thermometers